• Wednesday, November 07th, 2007

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I heard lot of crazy stories about westeners especially Americans. They do crazy things to have fun of any kind. I only get to see and experience when I got here. Especially, its true during the Halloween time.  Halloween is celebrated on the last day of Oct.  If you google it, you will be able to find out different versions of its history and how Halloween came into practice.
I am going to stay away from the history part of it. 

Basically, Halloween, or Hallowe’en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Its the time of the year that spookiness gets out of hand and people are licensed get to act and show their scary behaviors. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, Halloween festivals, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses", carving jack-o-lanterns, and viewing horror films.

At end of Fall season around october time, fun of Halloween starts. Many residents decorate their lawn and entry ways in a spooky way like pics below,

Kids who came to my home for Trick or Treat.
Isn’t the Pooh looks so cute ?! I just boo’ed them and treat them with lot of candies.

After the trick or treat, kids just thrilled to research on different types of candies they got during the trick or treat. My son is getting trained here by his mommy,

Check out my Halloween album for some more pictures. I enjoy these kinda fun activites. Its always fun. My wife is one step up ahead. She already shopped for the next year costume in Halloween after sale.

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Trick or Treat

This is been a traditional activity during the Halloween night(Oct 31st). Kids and even adults dress up in costumes of various horror characters like vampires, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Recently some costumes are also based on themes other than traditional horror, such as those of characters from movies and other pop culture icons. Many people just take it to extremes with their imagination and dress up so wild to look so realistic spooky characters. I even dressed up like scare crow character from the all time famous family movie Wizard of Oz.  

After the dress up, kids with adults supervision go in groups door to door inside their neighboorhood asking for Trick or Treat. They are suppose to go to the house only that has have patio lights switched on welcoming trick or treaters. OK! What does it mean Trick or Treat? If the House owner has a horror trick, they can show and BOO the kids. If not, they have to treat them with chunks of candies. otherwise, they can expect some horror stuff happen to them.

My little boy started his first Halloween lastyear when he was just 4 months dressed up as little elephant(dumbo) and now his 16 months and can walk too. So why miss the fun ?! 

Here he goes dressed up in Pumpkin costume ready for his Trick or Treat, cute huh!!

Walking with his mommy for his Trick or Treat


Category: Fun, Parenting, Personal
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