Archive for ◊ June, 2012 ◊

• Wednesday, June 06th, 2012

A recent a news about Spelling Bee contest won by Snigdha Nandipati by defeating eight other finalists is the highlight of many parent discussion around the town. She is the fifth consecutive Indian-American winner of the prestigious Scripps National Spelling Bee competition in the U.S.

She is 14years studying her eight grade tied for 27th place in the last year contest. She studied 10-12 hours on weekends and 6 hours on weekdays to prepared to reach this accomplishment. She received an amount of $30,000 in cash, a trophy, a $2,500 savings bond and a scholarship of $5,000. She and past winners are always an inspiration to the young indian kids to do more instead of just watching TV and playing video games. Click here to check out more…

In past few years, Indian kids emerging as U.S. Champions in various fields. Like Snigdha, there are other US youngsters from India decent who made to the news by winning various awards. Here are few,

Nitin Reddy Tumma – 2012 Nobel Prize for Juniors/Intel Science Talent Search Winner for his research on cancer pathogenesis.

Shree Bose – Winner of Google Global Science fair 2011 – Discovered a process to improve the treatment of ovarian cancer patients.

Ramya Rangan – Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement 2011 honoring her as a top achiever in America in advanced placement math and science.

Bradly Ivan D’Souza – Presidents Volunteer Service Award for 2011 for finishing more than 1100 hours of community serviced.

You can read more stories about these young chaps at the recent article posted at and show to your kids to inspire them on their journey to achieve their dream by never giving up on them.

Source courtesy:

• Friday, June 01st, 2012

Thanks to my friend and neighbor Suresh who gave me the immense pleasure to read one among the best speeches I ever read by forwarding the script. It was the speech by Mr. Nipun Mehta. It is the founder of Service Space, a non-profit organization initially called as Charity focus. I did more research about him after the speech. I was amazed to find out that his philosophy and his teams mantra was give without no strings attached which is the actual meaning of giving lost in this internet era.

I really enjoyed reading every para of the speech and able to take away plenty of life lessons which I want to follow and share with others. I loved the phrase where he said, don’t just go through life — grow through life.
It wouldn’t be fair if I kept this wonderful speech to myself and decided to share with my friends and visitors of my website. Don’t just rush through the pages, just take some time out of your busy schedule and read it with quite background. You can feel it inside your inner soul.

Below is the script of the speech he gave at the IVY League Graduation ceremony. Enjoy it.
[download id=”26″]
I also found a TED talk which he presented about Give, Receive and Dance. An interesting speech as well.