Archive for ◊ December, 2010 ◊

• Thursday, December 16th, 2010

These days we all work very hard because of peer pressure and work load due to layoffs and many other reasons. Because of that, many of us don’t really pay attention to what we eat. We just grab things on the go to satisfy our hunger and think about the future trouble it can cause us.  Obesity has grown to be a problem all over world in this new Internet era.  Internet and technology plays a big role in the growth spur of obesity.

Many health advocates advise people to atleast try to watch you eat and don’t just dump anything like your stomach as a trash can. Whether it’s regular meal or snacking in between meals, you better look out for food which has less fat and reasonble calories so you won’t over consume it. Snacking is a big problem in our daily life.  We eat anything and everything we can get hold off when we are hungry after work or at work. That’s really not a good thing.  I came across a very good video sent by Aetna(insurance carrier) which talks about healthy and Smart snacking.

Check out this video and try to eat right especially smart. One thing I am already doing to avoid snacking fatty stuff when I am hungry is to stack up my drawers and cabinets with healthy snacks. So when you are searching something to eat, you will only find healthy snacks. At costco or any other grocery stores like Walmart, Kroger you should able to find below items and you can try it out too.

Stacy Pita Chips 

Sunmaid dried Raisins 

Kashi Whole Grain Crackers

If you any similar tips and ideas smart snacking, just post your comments for others. Don’t just eat, eat smart.

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