Hello friends & Families

How are you all doing? I am sure most of you are finally back to normalcy and getting on to our regular life for the most part. Thanks to vaccination efforts by all the countries and most importantly THANKING OUR almighty GOD for keeping us alive and safe 🙂

Anyway, I just want to quickly send an update on our 2021 Charity Fundraiser and share the kids profile and continued support and partnership with Sevalaya.

We have sent donation of USD 5300, see how that money has made an impact to the lives of 36 kids,

Donation Received – USD 5300 @ Rs. 76.085 = INR 4,03,250

Please find the workings below for this year’s donation of USD 5300:

1. For 24 Students Education Sponsorship Renewal – INR 1,92,000  (8000 * 24 Children)

2. Endowment for Two new children                            – INR 2,00,000 (100000 * 2 new children)

3. Remaining Amount 

(One New Child added for Education Sponsorship)- INR 11,350

Total Donation Received                                                    – INR 4,03,250

Total No. of Children for Education Sponsorship  – 25 Children (also includes one new child)

Total No. of Children for Education Endowment-  11 Children (also includes two new children)

We are growing our endowment total to 11 kids and continue to keep our yearly children sponsorship to 25 kids with all your kind donations. 

